The Complaints About the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Received from Prisons / 01–30 November

In this report, we are presenting the complaints received over the advice line of Civil Society in the Penal System Association between 01-30.11.2021, without revealing any information about prisons and prisoners. From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to the date of this report, we received complaints from 179 different penal institutions; 103 of these institutions are closed prisons, 76 of them are open prisons. These reports include up-to-date complaints from the prisons for the specified time range. By comparing the reports, you could follow up on which complaints have decreased in time and which new applications have been added. In this report, the current health problems, complaints, and demands of the prisoners in the risk group will be included. You can read the situation of ill prisoners who agreed to share their stories under the title of the cases below.

The Capacity Problem in Prisons

The prisoners reported that their wards were cramped, that their beds were too close to each other, and that they had to sleep at this intimacy, that they could not establish enough physical distance, that too many prisoners had to come together in the common areas, such as dining halls.

The General Condition of Prisons and Hygiene Measures

It has been reported that,

  • While the prisons had been disinfected periodically and regularly at the beginning of the epidemic, this frequency has decreased recently,  
  • Beds, blankets, linens, and sheets provided in some prisons are used and dirty,  
  • Prisoners with allergies cannot access proper products, because the products sold in the canteen are of one type,  
  • In some prisons, due to overcrowding, fresh air cannot circulate in some wards,  
  • In some closed prisons, due to the small windows, the wards cannot be adequately ventilated,  
  • In some prisons, prison officers come in large groups and make ward searches without complying with social distancing rules, these searches have become very frequent in some prisons, up to twice a week; they search mattresses, personal items, and garbage bins with the same gloves; furthermore, during the search, prisoners are not provided with masks and personal belongings of prisoners are confiscated; this situation worries the prisoners in the risk group and with chronic diseases,  
  • In some prisons, during the count, prison officers do not comply with the social distancing rules and do not wear masks,  
  • Vaccinated prison guards in some prisons became less careful with the hygiene measures and have started to enter the wards without wearing masks.  

Hygiene of Prisoners

It has been reported that,

  • While some prison administrations hand out disinfectant and bleach to the wards, in some prisons these materials are not provided free of charge,  
  • Free distributed products are limited and insufficient to meet the needs; the prisoners who cannot afford the products are not provided with sufficient materials,  
  • In some prisons, the cleaning materials that the prisoners bought from the canteen are not allowed in their rooms, they are given to the prisoners in small amounts with glasses by the prison guards,
  • While in some prisons, masks are provided to prisoners, in some prisons, masks are not provided to prisoners in other areas outside their wards even though they make requests;  
  • Prisoners with allergic asthma are not provided with free masks despite their requests and masks brought by the visitors are not accepted,  
  • In many prisons, cleaning and hygiene products are not placed in the bathrooms,  
  • Bathrooms are filthy and bathroom use, and hours are restricted in crowded wards,  
  • The number of sinks and toilets is insufficient,  
  • In some open prisons, there are no toilets and bathrooms in the wards, and the common toilet and bathroom are used together with different wards,
  • In some open prisons, toilet waste is filled into a bin in the open area and the prisoners are asked to carry and empty the bins in their daily clothes without being given overalls, boots, or gloves,
  • In some prisons the water is unclean and unusable; water is cut off frequently, hot water is limited and only at certain times it is provided,  
  • In some prisons, water quotas have been implemented, thus the ward and personal cleaning cannot be done regularly,  
  • There are problems with ensuring personal hygiene.  


It has been reported that,

  • The meals served in some prisons are of poor quality, and unhygienic; served cold,  
  • The food supply is not enough for all prisoners; in some prisons, processed or canned foods are served,  
  • Due to all of these problems, the prisoners who cannot eat the food served in prisons are forced to meet their nutritional needs from the food in prison canteens,  
  • The protein and carbohydrate balance are not maintained in the meals distributed in prisons, mostly vegetables, rice, and pasta are served,  
  • In some prisons, meals are distributed without taking hygiene measures,  
  • Problems related to meals have been reported to all relevant public institutions as complaints, but no improvement has been made in this regard,  
  • Products in canteens are expensive and the product variety is low,  
  • The fruits sold in the canteens of some prisons are rotten, and the prisoners can only buy one kind of fruit in a week due to the expensiveness of the products,  
  • Dietary food is not provided, in prisons that served diet food, a single type of diet food is given without considering the different diseases,  
  • Vegetarian prisoners are given limited and spoiled food,  
  • Vitamins and immune-boosting supplements are not provided.  

Access to the Right to Health

 It has been reported that,

  • No precautions have been taken for the risk groups, chronically ill, and elderly; cleaning supplies are not provided, instead, prisoners have to take measurements on their own,  
  • In some prisons, doctors do not attend the infirmary, or do not attend regularly,  
  • Some prisoners could not visit the infirmary doctor for a long time,  
  • Even though some prisoners go to the infirmary, they cannot access all their medicines, they cannot take their prescribed medicines with medical report or they are not given for six months and their laboratory tests are not done,  
  • In some prisons, ill prisoners are not given their medication on time; some prisoners do not receive sufficient health care in prison infirmaries,  
  • Even though some prisoners thought they had the symptoms of Covid-19, their request to be tested were not fulfilled; furthermore, the prisoners showing symptoms are not transferred to the hospital,  
  • Many prisons do not have hospital referrals and regular treatment opportunities; in some prisons, the prisoners who need to be examined by a doctor are not transferred to the hospital for 4-6 months, 
  • Some prisoners with COVID-19 are only given medicine and sent back to prison without any further examination when they are transferred to the hospital,
  • In some prisons, a limited number of hospital referrals have been made; in some prisons, hospital appointments were canceled, and the appointments of prisoners with a date of surgery were postponed due to the absence of hospital referrals, they could not get information from the administration about the dates of the surgery,  
  • In cases where a specific medicine that requires a committee report cannot be prescribed in the infirmary and district hospitals, due to the pandemic and crowding in hospitals prisoners’ files cannot be taken to the committee, and therefore, these prisoners have problems accessing medicine,  
  • In open prisons, it was stated that the drugs given by the doctor with a report are not given to sick prisoners and if they use the medicine or go to the hospital they were told that they have to be sent to a closed prison, therefore their access to health rights is prevented,
  • In open prisons, it was stated that the drugs given by the doctor’s report are not given to ill prisoners and that if they use drugs or go to the hospital, they will be sent to a closed prison, therefore, their health rights are violated, 
  • Prisoners with multiple illnesses are referred to a hospital only for one illness, are not referred for other illnesses, since they can only be treated for the illness that was referred for, they have to wait to be transferred again for other illnesses,  
  • In many prisons, dental units have not been open for 18 months, there is no equipment required for interventions such as filling and tooth extraction, prisoners’ treatments are made only with antibiotics and painkillers, and since prisoners cannot be referred to hospitals, dental complaints have increased, 
  • In some prisons, referrals to dental units are not made, it is stated to prisoners that only tooth extraction will be done, no other treatments can be done, and prisoners are forced to have their tooth pulled instead of undergoing dental treatment, 
  • In some prisons, prisoners’ eye treatments are delayed,  
  • Prisoners cannot access physical therapy services,  
  • Even if the infirmary doctors stated that it is necessary to send the prisoners to the hospital due to their health condition, the prison administrations have not made the hospital referrals, there are ill prisoners whose conditions have worsened, who have not been transferred to hospital for a long time,  
  • Diseases that need to be followed up regularly, especially cancer, are not followed up, cancer patients are requested a fee for some of their drugs,  
  • Some prisoners do not have access to prescription psychiatric drugs,  
  • Stopping hospital referrals for chronically ill prisoners for a long time has increased their health problems and this has brought their condition to critical stages,  
  • Although there are emergencies in some prisons, ambulances are not called,  
  • In some prisons, social distancing is not complied and double handcuffing are often applied to the prisoners who are transferred to the hospital,  
  • The prisoners who will be transferred to the hospital are searched by the prison guards before they pass through the metal detector devices in the prisons, this search is repeated by the gendarmes responsible for external security after they pass through the metal detector device, this search is repeated by the gendarmes who are constantly working outside, there is a risk of contagion by the gendarmes since they made searches without taking precautions such as wearing protective clothing and gloves,  
  • Carrying more than one prisoner in shuttles increases the risk of contamination,  
  • Since the hospitals are far from the prisons, the duration of waiting in the shuttles and the risk of illness have been increasing,  
  • Prisoners who are undergoing treatment in hospitals and staying in detention wards are not allowed to have companions, hence they cannot access their needs and the detention wards they stay in are not hygienic,  
  • In prisons, all prisoners who agree to be vaccinated are vaccinated.  
  • While in some prisons the prisoners were given the right to choose a vaccine; in some prisons, only the Sinovac vaccine was provided,  

Quarantine Wards

It has been reported that,

  • Since all prisoners have to be quarantined for 14 days following a hospital visit, prisoners’ concerns about contracting the virus are exacerbating regarding transferring to a hospital and the prisoners who cannot live by themselves do not want to transfer to hospitals because they do not know how to take care of themselves,  
  • Seriously ill prisoners who have to visit the hospitals have been quarantined after their visits and the prisoners who cannot take care of themselves alone have been having various difficulties,  
  • Sick prisoners with medical reports stating that they must be kept under observation and that they cannot stay alone continue to be kept alone in quarantine wards; no medical treatments are available to them and their regular check-ups are not made,  
  • Sick prisoners staying in some quarantine wards, cannot benefit sufficiently from the necessary health services,  
  • In some quarantine wards, sick prisoners are not given their medication,  
  • In some prisons, the duration of staying in quarantine wards have increased for already staying prisoners due to new prisoners are taken to these wards, and prisoners must stay in the quarantine wards for more than 15 days even though their COVID-19 test came negative,  
  • In some prisons, ventilation is opened late and closed early arbitrarily,  
  • In some prisons, quarantine wards are not hygienic and even though prisoners made complaints to administrations they have not been cleaned and the wards are not adequately ventilated,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners kept in quarantine alone are not allowed to access fresh air or kept in areas without ventilation, so quarantine conditions are applied as solitary confinement,  
  • Areas used as quarantine in some prisons are in the form of wards and prisoners stay in large groups,  
  • Quarantine wards in some prisons are overcrowded and prisoners have to sleep on bunk beds that are very close to each other or they have to sleep on the ground,  
  • The beds and linens in the quarantine wards of some prisons are bloody and have urine on them and these products have not been changed,  
  • The basic needs of prisoners staying in the quarantine sections of some prisons such as newspapers, radio, TV, books, and teakettles are not provided,  
  • In some prisons, radios that the prisoners bought from the institution commissary were confiscated, and the denial of access to the AM radio minimized their right to be informed,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners kept in quarantine due to the suspicion or precautions of Covid-19 are cannot use their telephone rights and access to fresh air compared to other prisoners,  
  • Some seriously ill prisoners’ health status has worsened due to the negative effects of quarantine conditions.  

The Cases

  • Hayati Deniz Kaytan – Bolu Type-F Closed Penal Institution  

Hayati Deniz Kaytan, who has been in prison for 18 years and in a solitary cell for 16 years, has multiple chronic health problems and a 60% disability report from Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. Cysts formed in both frontal regions of Kaytan’s brain between 2014 and 2016, and it was stated that he needed surgery in September 2021 after a biopsy after routine MRI control. He was transferred to Ankara for surgery from the Bolu F Type Closed Prison on April 14, 2021. During the peak of Covid-19 cases, Kaytan wanted to have his surgery in Bolu due to his chronic diseases, and his referral was canceled for this reason. He made multiple requests for having his surgery at Bolu İzzet Baysal Training and Research Hospital. Since there is no detention ward in the hospital, his referral and surgery did not take place. For all these reasons, his health problems deteriorated and his right to access health was violated.

  • Abdurrahim Demir – Edirne Type-F Closed Penal Institution  

Abdurrahim Demir is 58 and has been in prison for 26 years, he has renal insufficiency and stays in a solitary cell. According to his medical board report, he has cataracts, myopia, hearing loss, hypoactive right kidney, hypoactive detrusor, third phase renal failure, stable coronary artery disease, and atherosclerosis. In addition to these, he has cardiac insufficiency and he cannot meet his needs alone. Due to the pandemic, his treatment and necessary health checks cannot be carried out in the last year.[1] 

  • Mehmet Salih Filiz – Ödemiş Type-T Closed Penal Institution  

Mehmet Salih Filiz was diagnosed with colon cancer at 23. While his treatment continues, he had to be transferred from Antalya Type-L Closed Penal Execution Institution to Ödemiş Type-T Closed Penal Execution Institution. He has been staying at Ödemiş Type-T Closed Penal Execution for a month. During his stay, his health has deteriorated. His lungs are in dire condition and he is vomiting blood. He has been feeding on special food. His medicines are not given to him because they have to be imported from Europe. He was not provided with masks and cleaning supplies. In his ward, social distance is impossible. Even though the doctor who examined him asked for his transfer, his transfer was not made. To get transferred to a hospital Filiz was asked to sign a medical liability waiver in case he contracts the coronavirus and experiences a medical violation. His family and Filiz are anxious about the hospital transfer since he will have to stay in a quarantine ward for 14 days after his visit and he is not capable of taking care of himself.

  • Deniz Yıldırım – Elazığ No. 1 Closed-High Security Penal Institution  

He has been in prison for four years. He has bowel-colon cancer. He had surgery on 31 January. Part of his small intestine is outside of his body. His chemotherapy started on 9 March and it continues. He has been held alone in the quarantine; however, he cannot meet his needs alone. His family states that isolating him is a problem, if he experiences any medical problem there is not anyone who can help him. Yıldırım caught Covid-19 due to not paying attention to the number of people he came into contact with when he was transferred to the hospital. Yıldırım’s family stated that as a result of the treatment he overcame the disease, and his last test came negative.

  • Abdulsamet Durak – Türkoğlu No. 1 Type-L Closed Penal Institution  

He had a heart attack. He had an angiogram at the hospital and two more stents were placed in addition to the two stents he already had. During his three days at the hospital, he was treated in handcuffs, he was exposed to psychological violence. He did not have bypass surgery because he thought he would not get the proper care at the hospital. Currently, he is quarantined at the prison. His friend from his ward is staying with him and taking care of him.

  • Mehmet Emin Özkan – Diyarbakır Type-D Closed Penal Institution  

Mehmet Emin Özkan is 83 and staying in Diyarbakır Type-D Closed Execution Institution for 26 years. In addition to 87% loss of function in his body, he has Alzheimer’s, malignant goiter, high blood pressure, intestinal and heart diseases, bubbles in his brain, cataract, and osteoporosis. He has memory loss from Alzheimer’s and hearing loss in both ears. He has had 5 heart attacks and 4 angiomas so far. Özkan cannot sustain his life alone, his son who stays in the same ward with him took care of him. Özkan’s son was sent to a different prison against his will. After his son was transferred to another institution, another prisoner accompanied and took care of him. He was taken to the hospital in handcuffs seven times in ten days, he was treated while tied to the bed with handcuffs for three days, and was taken back to prison despite his health problems. Özkan, who was asked for a report from the Forensic Medicine Institute six times, was reported that he could stay in prison. Even though Özkan’s health condition is critical, the Forensic Medicine Institution gave a report stating that Özkan can maintain his life on his own and his stay in prison does not threaten his life.[2] On 28.06.2021, it was decided that “there was not enough persuasion” by the Forensic Medicine Institution stating that Özkan will be transferred to the R Type prison, to be kept under observation for a month, and to be referred to the Forensic Medicine Institution again with a psychosocial observation report after the observation was over.

Other Complaints

It has been reported that,

  • With the new measures taken, instead of prison visits, the prisoners can only use their right to phone call only one or two times, and for 20 minutes in total, they have to talk to only one person during the calls; in some prisons, weekly allowed phone call duration is limited to 10 minutes,  
  • The means that prisoners use to communicate with their families during the outbreak is being restricted,  
  • In some prisons, it is said that the visitation cabins will be disinfected before and after visitations; even though closed visitations are expected to last one and half hours are reduced to 35-40 minutes for different reasons, this situation psychologically puts pressure on the relatives of prisoners coming from distant cities,  
  • Lawyer visitation rooms and visitation booths of some prisons are not clean, and the necessary hygiene measures are not taken even though warnings have been made about this situation,  
  • Closed visitations are only allowed to be held with a maximum of two people, and this number is not increased despite the prisoners’ requests,  
  • Even though prisoners apply for making open visitations with their families, their requests are being denied,  
  • Since prisons are far from the cities where prisoners’ families reside, families cannot easily visit the prisons,  
  • The families who could not come to the meeting sent parcels to the prisoners, but these parcels were not delivered to the prisoners even though they did not carry the risk of contamination; when the families sent back the returned parcels again, some prisons accepted the parcels and some not,  
  • The materials left by the relatives of the prisoners are not given to them,  
  • In some prisons, the clothes sent to prisoners from outside are sent back to their families without notifying them or their clothes in the warehouse are not given to them,  
  • Despite the cold weather in some prisons, summer clothes have not been taken and winter clothes have not been given to prisoners, 
  • In some prisons, counting prisoners digitally has begun to be implemented and counting is performed through fingerprints,  
  • With these measures, the common areas used by prisoners in some closed prisons are completely closed down and the use of prisoners is not permitted,  
  • No social activities including workshops and sohbet are allowed in prisons; in some prisons, the prisoners staying in the same ward are allowed to visit the open or closed sports hall for an hour a week, 
  • Prisoners have not been taken to the library, some prisoners cannot access books, and were not allowed to use photocopy machines,  
  • Although there are no COVID-19 cases in some prisons, requests for change of ward were denied based on different reasons; and in some prisons, ward changes were made against the demands of the prisoners,  
  • In some prisons, the people kept in quarantine cannot use their telephone rights and access to the open air due to the suspicion of Covid-19,  
  • Prisoners who have been granted the right to make telephone calls cannot express their complaints on the phone, and the prisoners’ calls are cut off during the conversation when they express their complaints,  
  • In some prisons, although prisoners have legal rights, they do not receive their petition numbers for the applications they made to administrations, prosecution offices, and the Constitutional Court and they do not receive a response for their applications, therefore they think that their petitions are not processed,  
  • Prisoners have submitted the violations and complaints of their rights in prisons to administrative institutions, but they have not received any response regarding these applications,  
  • When the prisoners objected to the problems they experienced, they were threatened with disciplinary penalties by the prison officers,  
  • Prisoners staying in open prisons have been threatened with having sent to a closed prison when they express any complaints,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners can only convey their complaints to the prison officers, and their requests to meet with the institution administration are not accepted due to coronavirus measures,  
  • In some prisons, letters are delivered late, which takes 30 to 40 days and for non-Turkish letters, these periods are even longer,  
  • Prisoners cannot convey their complaints about the epidemic through letters, their letters are censored,  
  • In some prisons, return stubs of registered letters are not given to prisoners, letters sent with extra stamps do not reach prisoners,  
  • The letters of the transferred prisoners were read again by the commission in the new prison, some parts of these letters were cut off and returned to the prisoners; even if the prisoners objected, since the cut letters could not be examined by the execution judge, no violation could be detected,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners in different wards are allowed free correspondence, however, free correspondence between the wards was stopped with the pandemic,  
  • More than one prisoner sent a letter in the same envelope for economic reasons, and in some prisons sending letters by this way is prohibited,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners are not allowed to send parcels to their families,  
  • In some prisons, newspapers are not given to prisoners or given to a limited extent,  
  • Some prisons experienced long delays in the exchange of books stored in warehouses; books are given to prisoners every 2 months in some prisons,  
  • A limit of 5 books has been imposed in some prisons, this number has been reduced to 2 in some prisons, and dictionaries and law textbooks are included in this number,  
  • Prisoners have not been informed about the new legal regulations, prisoners were not able to follow these changes due to communication limitations; although CISST sent the updated version of the Prisoner Rights Handbook to the prisons in order to solve this problem, in some prisons the book is not given to the prisoners,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners cannot access current legislation despite their demands and have legal right to access them,  
  • In some prisons, prisoners cannot access all magazines, the diversity of magazines in the stores of the cities is low; the magazines that can be distributed in the prisons are required to be approved by the Press Bulletin Authority, hence the access to the magazines are limited and the magazines sent from outside are not accepted,  
  • Foreign national prisoners cannot access radio channels in foreign languages due to the ban on AM radio in some prisons,  
  • In some prisons, the musical instruments allowed in the legislation are not taken into the ward,  
  • Ill-treatment, psychological pressure, and verbal and physical violence against prisoners have increased in prisons,  
  • The prison officers put psychological pressure on prisoners during the counting,  
  • Some prisoners are sent to different prisons without their demands,  
  • Compulsory transferred prisoners’ belongings are not accepted by the institutions to which they were transferred or the prisoner is informed that his/her belongings have been lost, 
  • The prisoners who are on leave and find it difficult to meet their needs, cannot visit a doctor due to lack of social security and they cannot receive support from the Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation in this process.  

Problems Encountered by Prisoners with Special Needs

It has been reported that,

  • Aggravated life sentence prisoners are not allowed to use their extra phone call duration, which was increased upon the cancellation of visits, and this does not compensate for the problems created by the pandemic,  
  • The fresh air hours of aggravated life prisoners are reduced in some prisons, this situation may differ for non-political and political aggravated life prisoners, and prisoners who are only allowed to access fresh air for two hours a day cannot get enough fresh air,  
  • Since aggravated life sentence prisoners’ rooms only open for fresh air an hour a day the prisoners cannot use bleach and detergent for cleaning, due to limited access to fresh air their rooms cannot be adequately ventilated after cleaning and this causes them to show poisoning symptoms such as nausea,  
  • In addition to the bars in the cell windows of the aggravated life prisoners, densely window screens are installed, these screens prevent ventilation,  
  • In the wards where adequate ventilation cannot be provided, the beds and walls are moldy, causing upper respiratory disorders due to the intense humidity,  
  • Aggravated life sentence prisoners have to use the same place for their dishes, food, and toilet needs because of the small and single sinks in their cells, which makes it difficult to maintain hygiene,  
  • Minimizing the number of meetings with families has exacerbated the isolation conditions for the prisoners who are kept alone,  
  • Foreign prisoners cannot receive money and cargo packages due to different reasons, telephone calls to abroad have been disrupted and stopped in some places, and they cannot benefit from the right to visitation, which is newly started,  
  • Foreign national prisoners do not have access to their rights, are subjected to ill-treatment, humiliation, and discrimination,  
  • Foreign national prisoners have not been able to reach their Consulates and Embassies for a long time; therefore, they cannot communicate with their families,  
  • Some foreign prisoners, although they can benefit from the penal law, cannot exercise their probation rights,  
  • Foreign prisoners have difficulties in getting used to Turkish dishes due to their different cultural backgrounds, they cannot access various food since there is limited variety in canteens,  
  • Foreign prisoners are not given their letters on the grounds that there are no translators in the facilities or their language is unknown; or their letters are delivered late; and they could not reach books, magazines, and radio broadcasts in their own language despite all their requests, 
  • There are no foreign language books in some institution libraries and there are no foreign channels to watch on television,
  • Trans prisoners who are in the process of gender affirmation cannot continue their transition process due to the cessation of hospital referrals, they are unable to access hormone medicines for different reasons,  
  • In some prisons, women’s clothes are not given to trans women prisoners,  
  • No additional measures have been taken for prisoners over the age of 65 that are in the risk group,  
  • There is no special work or planning to meet the different needs of prisoners with disabilities arising from the pandemic,  
  • In some prisons, female prisoners do not have access to free sanitary pads,  
  • Due to switching to remote education of schools, prisoner students cannot access educational materials and computers in prisons, cannot make photocopies, receive copies sent from abroad, and continue their education,  
  • There are no further plans for general and other educational activities for child prisoners.  

[1] “Ağır Hasta Mahpus Abdurrahim Demir ve Tüm Hasta Mahpusların Sağlığa Erişiminin Önündeki Engeller Kaldırılmalıdır” başlıklı basın duyurumuzu bu linkten okuyabilirsiniz:

[2] CISST released a joint statement for the treatment of Mehmet Emin Özkan: