Woman in Prison Theme

According to the numbers declared by the General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses at 31.10.2018, there are 10.208 female prisoners in Turkey. Male prisoners always outnumbering the females’ results in negligence in regard to the needs of women concerning their sex. Thus discrimination women face in society intensifies with their imprisonment and this affects their post-release situation exponentially.

Woman in Prison Theme attends to female prisoners’ issues with correspondence, human rights applications, news browsing, asking parliamentary questions and lobbying for legislative change and has a goal to make the penal system achieve a gender-sensitive approach on the issue.

Civil Society in Penal System Association(CİSST) constituted a platform that includes different non-governmental organizations and named Woman in Prison network with a goal to announce and resolve the rights violations female prisoners experience. An example of these missions is “Free Sanitary Napkins in Prison”. A petition campaign ran with women’s organizations enabled actual access to sanitary napkins in many prisons.
